Monday, 11 August 2014

#3 - running, riding and yet more weight gain

I'm incredibly annoyed. I'd done so well lately. I hadn't "got back on it", as such, but I had started to lose a little weight and my head was starting to enjoy it again. 

Then this weekend I fell off the wagon spectacularly.  Emma mentioned she was going back on the diet today (Monday) and was having a weekend blowout. So I joined her and let myself go again.  

Big mistake, as I'm now back to 230lbs. I've eaten really stupidly - 7 dairy milks, two Quorn sausage rolls, two chippy teas, McDonald's lunch, sausage sandwiches, big bag of salt and vinegar chip sticks, two custard doughnuts... the list goes on. Why do I do these things? I didn't have to join her but here I am. 

It's undone what was some good work last week - I got back on my bike. For the last couple of months it was off the road with a puncture I couldn't be bothered to fix. Last Sunday, I finally did (finding a nasty little thorn in the tyre that clearly caused it) and went for a ride on the Monday after work, recceing the Burton 10k route, along with a little preview of the run I'd be doing the next night with Hatton Darts. 

The 10k is hilly - VERY hilly. For those that know Burton, you go from Shobnall, over the 38 to the Hospital, down the road in front of the hospital and then start to climb all the way up to Anslow - then come back down Henhurst Hill. How I'm going to run it I don't know, but I'm now officially "Tail Runner" so I'll definitely be at the back - whether on merit or not. I planned to try to run it yesterday, but mental apathy creating an "injury" saw paid to that. It may have been a good idea though, seeing how bad the weather was - we lost half the tree outside our flat!

At the end of the bike ride, which was about 12 miles long in total, I felt great. Really great. There's something about cycling I don't get from running. I think it comes with the ability to "do" it. When I run, even alone, I know I'm god awful. But on the bike I know I'm not far off the fastest (casuals) and it's that whole mental thing. 

Tuesday saw that Darts run. I did feel a lot better about it, and was a lot faster than recent weeks - although I'm sure a lot of that could be put down to it being on road this week. I'm now officially a paid-up member, anyway, and took part in the first monthly meeting. I'm really pleased to be part of a club anyway, hopefully it'll see me continue to improve. 

On Wednesday I biked to work, and it didn't feel as good as Monday. I've done the commute route so often I knew where I was loosing time, and ended up a good seven minutes or so behind my usual time.  Biking home though was better, and set my fourth fastest time ever. Which was nice. 

The next day I biked to work again, and knocked five minutes off Wednesday's time - better weather being a factor, which made me feel better about Wednesday. An issue at work saw me driving north unexpectedly during the day, so didn't bike home until Friday - I went a longer, hillier route. I struggled a bit on one of the steeper hills, but generally it felt good and I had a decent average speed. 

Saturday saw me running again, of a sort. As a bit of a practice for the 10k, I was tail runner at park run. The last guy was a park run regular who was warming down, and we walked it all. So I've got a nice new "worst" time at just over an hour! But it's good to volunteer. 

So this week I need to sort myself out. I'm not sure how much I'll be doing - I'm doing training tonight for the junior park run over in Rolleston, and I haven't quite decided if I'm biking there or not. A 10pm finish puts me off if I'm honest. Tomorrow is another Darts night, over in Church Broughton - where I've never so much as set foot before!  Since Wednesday is cinema night I can't see me biking before Thursday. I'm definitely going to be trying to do park run properly this week though,- and maybe try that 10k this Sunday. Hopefully I can lose some of this weight again by then...

Weight This Week:  229.6lbs
Weight Last Week: 227.2lbs
Total Lost: 148.4lbs
Distance Ran: 8.53 miles
Distance Biked: 59.95 miles

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